When A Fire Starts to Burn - Fiery 1.0 released
August 16, 2017
I’m pleased to announce that fiery
has been updated to version 1.0 and is now
available on CRAN. As the version bump suggests, this is a rather major update
to the package, fixing and improving upon the framework based on my experience
with it, as well as introducing a number of breaking changes. Below, I will go
through the major points of the update, but also give an overview of the
framework itself, as I did not have this blog when it was first released and
information on the framework is thus scarce on the internet (except this
nice little post
by Bob Rudis).
Significant changes in v1.0
The new version of fiery
introduces both small and large changes. I’ll start
by listing the breaking changes that one should be aware of in existing fiery
servers, and then continue to describe other major changes.
Embracing reqres BREAKING
My reqres
package was
recently released and has been
adopted by fiery
as the interface for working with HTTP messaging. I have been
a bit torn on whether to build reqres
into fiery
or simply let
use it internally, but in the end
the benefits of a more powerful interface to HTTP requests and responses far
outweighed the added dependency and breaking change.
The change means that everywhere a request object is handed on to an event
handler (e.g. handlers listening to the request
event) it is no longer passing
a rook environment but a Request
object. The easiest fix in existing code is
to simply extract the rook environment from the Request
object using the
field (this, of course, will not allow you to experience the joy of
The change to reqres
also brings other, smaller, changes to the code base.
event handlers are now expected to return either TRUE
indicate whether to proceed or terminate, respectively. Prior to v1.0 they were
expected to return either NULL
or a rook complaint list response, but as
responses are now linked to requests, returning them does not make sense. In the
same vein, the return values of request
event handlers are ignored and the
response is not passed to after-request
event handlers as the response can be
extracted directly from the request.
Arguments from before-request and before-message event handlers BREAKING
The before-request
and before-message
events are fired prior to the actual
HTTP request and WebSocket message handling. The return values from any handler
is passed on as arguments to the request
and message
handlers respectively
and these events can thus be used to inject data into the main request and
message handling. Prior to v1.0 these values were passed in directly as named
arguments, but will now be passed in as a list in the arg_list
argument. This
is much easier and consistent to work with. An example of the change is:
# Old interface
app <- Fire$new()
app$on('before-request', function(...) {
list(arg1 = 'Hello', arg2 = 'World')
app$on('request', function(arg1, arg2, ...) {
message(arg1, ' ', arg2)
# New interface
app <- Fire$new()
app$on('before-request', function(...) {
list(arg1 = 'Hello', arg2 = 'World')
app$on('request', function(arg_list, ...) {
message(arg_list$arg1, ' ', arg_list$arg2)
As can be seen the code ends up being a bit more verbose, but the argument list will be much more predictable.
Embracing snake_case BREAKING
When I first started developing fiery
I was young and confused
(😜). Bottom line I don’t think my
naming scheme was very elegant. While consistent (snake_case for methods and
camelCase for fields), this mix is a bit foreign and I’ve decided to use this
major release to clean up in the naming and use snake_case consistently
throughout fiery
. This has the effect of renaming the triggerDir
field to
and refreshRate
to refresh_rate
. Furthermore this change is
taken to its conclusion by also changing the plugin interface and require
plugins to expose an on_attach()
method rather than an onAttach()
Keeping the event cycle in non-blocking mode
supports running the server in both a blocking and a non-blocking way
(that is, whether control should be returned to the user after the server is
started, or not). Before v1.0 the two modes were not equal in their life cycle
events as only the blocking server had support for cycle-start
and cycle-end
events as well as handling of timed, delayed, and async evaluation. This has
changed and the lifetime of an app running in the two different modes are now
the same. To achieve this fiery
uses the
package to continually schedule cycle
evaluation for execution. This means that no matter the timing, cycles will only
be executed if the R process is idle, and it also has the slight inconvenience
of not allowing to stop a server as part of a cycle event (Bug report here:
https://github.com/rstudio/httpuv/issues/78). Parallel to the refresh rate of
a blocking server, the refresh rate of a non-blocking server can be set using
the refresh_rate_nb
field. By default it is longer than that of a blocking
server, to give the R process more room to receive instructions from the
Mounting a server
With v1.0 it is now possible to specify the root of a fiery
server. The root
is the part of the URL path that is stripped from the path before sending
requests on to the handler. This means that it is possible to create sub-app in
that do not care at which location they are run. If e.g. the root is set
to /demo/app
then requests made for /demo/app/...
will look like /...
internally, and switching the location of the app does not require any change in
the underlying app logic or routing. The root defaults to ''
(nothing), but
can be changed with the root
Package documentation
Documentation can never by too good. The state of affairs for documenting classes based on reference semantics is not perfect in R, and I still struggle with the best setup. Still, the current iteration of the documentation is a vast improvement, compared to the previous release. Notable changes include separate entries for documentation of events and plugins.
Grab bag
The host and port can now be set during construction using the host
and port
arguments in Fire$new()
. Fire
objects now has a print method, making them
much nicer to look at. The host, port, and root is now advertised when a server
starts. WebSocket connections can now be closed from the server using the
A Fiery Overview
As promised in the beginning, I’ll end with giving an overview of how fiery
used. I’ll do this by updating Bob’s prediction server to the bright future where
and reqres
makes life easy for you:
We’ll start by making our fancy AI-machine-learning model of linear regressiveness:
x <- rnorm(15)
y <- x + rnorm(15)
fit <- lm(y ~ x)
saveRDS(fit, "model.rds")
With this at our disposable, we can begin to build up our app:
app <- Fire$new()
# When the app starts, we'll load the model we saved. Instead of
# polluting our namespace we'll use the internal data store
app$on('start', function(server, ...) {
server$set_data('model', readRDS('model.rds'))
message('Model loaded')
# Just for show off, we'll make it so that the model is atomatically
# passed on to the request handlers
app$on('before-request', function(server, ...) {
list(model = server$get_data('model'))
# Now comes the biggest deviation. We'll use routr to define our request
# logic, as this is much nicer
router <- RouteStack$new()
route <- Route$new()
router$add_route(route, 'main')
# We start with a catch-all route that provides a welcoming html page
route$add_handler('get', '*', function(request, response, keys, ...) {
response$type <- 'html'
response$status <- 200L
response$body <- '<h1>All your AI are belong to us</h1>'
# Then on to the /info route
route$add_handler('get', '/info', function(request, response, keys, ...) {
response$status <- 200L
response$body <- structure(R.Version(), class = 'list')
response$format(json = reqres::format_json())
# Lastly we add the /predict route
route$add_handler('get', '/predict', function(request, response, keys, arg_list, ...) {
response$body <- predict(
se.fit = TRUE
response$status <- 200L
response$format(json = reqres::format_json())
# And just to show off reqres file handling, we'll add a route
# for getting a model plot
route$add_handler('get', '/plot', function(request, response, keys, arg_list, ...) {
f_path <- tempfile(fileext = '.png')
response$status <- 200L
response$file <- f_path
# Finally we attach the router to the fiery server
app$ignite(block = FALSE)
## Fire started at
## Model loaded
As can be seen, routr
makes the request logic nice and compartmentalized,
while reqres
makes it easy to work with HTTP messages. What is less apparent is
the work that fiery
is doing underneath, but that is exactly the point. While
it is possible to use a lot of the advanced features in fiery
, you don’t have
to - often it is as simple as building up a router and attaching it to a fiery
instance. Even WebSocket messaging can be offloaded to the router if you so
Of course a simple prediction service is easy to build up in most frameworks -
it is the To-Do app of data science web server tutorials. I hope to get the time
to create some more fully fledged example apps soon. Next up in the fiery
stack pipeline is getting routr
on CRAN as well and then begin working on some
of the plugins that will facilitate security, authentication, data storage, etc.